


Purchase a license through one of our resellers or the Softron online store, then just activate your serial number in the License window or plug your dongle in the computer.


After your test, you will keep on using the same application, just with the demo mode unlocked That's the only limitation and difference. In DEMO mode,MovieRecorder will burn a blue frame in the recorded file at some intervals.


Make sure also to download and install the drivers for your video device: Once downloaded, unzip the file, and drag and drop the Application "MovieRecorder" in your Applications Folder.

  • Help Center: Includes a lot of useful information, sometimes not available in the user manual.
  • System requirements: macOS or driver requirements may change between versions, so make sure to check.
  • If more pictures than 9,999 exist, additional pictures will not be displayed.Pre-Release (Universal version available)
  • The maximum number of pictures is 10,000.
  • *Number depends on objects and environments being photographed.
  • Below are estimates the number of pictures that can be stored on Memory Stick Pro media.
  • Below are estimates on the number of minutes of sound that can be stored on Memory Stick/Memory Stick Pro media.
  • If more than 1000 recordings exist, additional recordings will not be displayed.
  • The maximum number of recordings displayed is 1000.
  • The maximum size for each part is 128 MB.
  • GigaPocket Plug-in divides large data into multiple files (parts).

    If a movie is larger than 128MB, Image Converter will divide the movie into multiple files. The maximum size of a movie after conversion is 128MB.Below are estimates on the number of minutes of movies that can be stored on Memory Stick/Memory Stick Pro media.Įstimate of Movie Time (ImageConverter/GigaPocket®) - All values are approximations.If more than 1000 movies exist, a warning message will appear and Movie Player will abort. The maximum number of movies supported is 1000.If a movie is larger than 128MB, it will be divided into multiple files. Recording a movie is limited to a maximum length of one hour.


  • Recording and playback of ATRAC3™ format music is not supported.
  • The maximum number of MP3 music files which can be played is 999.
  • Notebooks are stored under /Palm/Programs/CLIEMemo. If such is the case, transfer notebooks using CLIE Files™ application.
  • A Fatal Alert may occur when transferring notebooks with more than 500 pages.
  • A maximum of 500 pages can be displayed at once.Īdditional pages will not be displayed even if they exist on the Memory Stick Pro media.
  • Transfer of notebooks stored on Memory Stick Pro media to Internal Memory
  • Display of pages stored on Memory Stick Pro media.
  • The maximum number of files that can be displayed in CLIE Files is 6,999Īdditional files will not appear in CLIE Files even if the data exists on the Memory Stick Pro Media.
  • Display of files stored on Memory Stick Pro media.
  • The number of applications which can be displayed is limited to 179Īdditional applications will not be displayed even if stored under the /PALM/Launcher folder.
  • Display of applications stored on Memory Stick Pro media.
  • Please be aware of the following limitations when using Memory Stick Pro media with your CLIÉ handheld.


    Due to the potential of data loss and permanent damage, it is recommended that the Memory Stick Pro media be used only when the System Update has been applied. Sony cannot guarantee the integrity and performance of Memory Stick Pro media when used on CLIÉ handhelds without the System Update. Unfortunately the System Update cannot be applied to CLIÉ models using PalmOS 3.5/4.0/4.1. System Updates have been prepared for the Palm OS® 5 line of CLIÉ handheld devices such as the PEG-NX70V, PEG-NX60, PEG-NZ90, and PEG-TG50M. This document describes the functionality of Memory Stick Pro media (MSX-1G, MSX-512, MSX-256). Thank you for choosing to use Sony products.
