Wordpress or kompozer
Wordpress or kompozer

For more information on why it's a good idea to use the Addon domain FTP credentials, please see our article on Working With Your Addon Domain's FTP Account. We advise to use the FTP Account created by cPanel for your Addon domain to prevent accidentally publishing to the wrong folder. Once again, be sure to replace with your actual domain name, but this time do not place before your domain name. Make sure you include the before your domain name and replace with your actual domain name. HTTP address of your homepage: Your website's URL

#Wordpress or kompozer password

If you have any trouble with your cPanel password, you can also reset the cPanel password in AMP as well. If you aren't sure of your cPanel username, you can find that in your Technical Details in AMP (Account Management Panel).

wordpress or kompozer

HTTP address of your homepage: Your website's URL Site Name: Site name for your reference, doesn't affect publishing to the server. This will open up the Publish Settings window where you will fill in the following information for either your Primary Domain or an Addon Domain. Begin by either clicking on the Edit Sites icon in the Site Manager pane or selecting Edit in the top menu bar. Once you have your site file(s) ready to publish in KompoZer, you will want to set up the publishing settings for your site. The publishing settings outlined here should also work for KompoZer's predecessor Nvu. If you're not familiar with KompoZer and want to learn more, you can find more information on this program at the KompoZer website. This article will take you through the steps of publishing a page and/or site with the free WYSIWYG web authoring tool, KompoZer.

Wordpress or kompozer